First and foremost: We want you to be bold!

Has your spirit been calling you to stretch yourself? Maybe you’ve been putting off your dream trip for ages because something has always stood in the way.

Whether it’s a language barrier, safety concerns, planning overwhelm, worries about solo travel, or just the stuff of life holding you back, we’re here to help you get moving toward those big, juicy travel goals. With Bold Spirit Travel, you move past obstacles and take a gutsy leap into making your globetrotting dream a reality. 

Watch out—this boldness could seep into other areas of your life and spur some seriously wonderful transformations. Travel is often a catalyst for a personal perspective shift and change. Is there something you want to shift in your life? Is there a rut you want to break free from? We’re here to help make that happen.

We believe in living an inspired life surrounded by inspiring people.

Our journeys are about creating a community with awesome women like you. Being bold is easier when you have other strong women to support your aspirations, whether they’re travel-related or not. Magic happens on women-only trips. The dynamic and social pressures shift. The conversation is freer, more candid, and deeper. Remember your last gathering with all your best girlfriends and the afterglow that followed? That’s the power and sparkle we’re after on each of our tours. The people we meet while traveling often impact us more than the destination itself. 

Bold Spirit Travel is here to help nudge you out of your comfort zone as you sample new foods, experience a different culture, and feel the rhythm of a foreign language. Expect to partake in a balanced blend of self-care, food and drink, local history, art and architecture, and contact with the natural world. Know that there will be ample opportunity for togetherness and connection, but also space for introspection and alone time to reconnect with yourself. (Introverts, don’t worry; we’ve got your back.) 

Our trips are thoroughly planned by experienced travel pros who know and love our destinations.

We are meticulous with each itinerary so that you can enjoy the journey and not stress about the details. 

Bold Spirit Travel gives back. We donate each year to Girls Inc. Part of being bold is standing up for what you believe in, and we are committed to protecting the health of this gorgeous planet we love to explore and educating the girls who will be the next generation of leaders.  

Our destinations are chosen for their ability to excite wanderlust. If you finish a journey with Bold Spirit Travel and feel the unshakable desire to keep on traveling, then we have done our job well. 

Let’s be BOLD together (and have some fun)!